Do car seats really expire?
If you have this question like other parents, you’ll find the answers and explore more on car seat expiration date and why car seats expire.
Car seats might be the most important and necessary investment for your child through their baby time to preteen ages. Just like most daily-used things, a car seat has a ‘useful’ time before it’s expired.
If you don’t believe this, just think again about the car itself. They should be in the same situation, even a vehicle may have a longer ‘useful’ time.
Commonly, the car seats have a lifespan between 6 to 10 years, including the infant, convertible, and booster seats.
The real car seat expiration dates vary according to the manufacturers and car seat types.
If you want to know the car seat expiration dates for infant car seats, convertible, or booster seats, just click on the icon to get a quick answer.
How many years does a car seat expire?
This is another question that parents may be interested in. Generally speaking, longer ‘useful’ time means saving money.
As the majority of the car seats have expiration dates between six and ten years, we also make a list of car seats based on their lifespan, which is commonly found in the car seat manual attached.
What Does Car Seat Expiration Date Mean?
Is car seat expiration dates a real thing? Why do they expire and does it really make a difference?
You probably have these questions before knowing this guide. It’s very common that parents to prepare several car seats in different motor vehicles. But you may not know why you need to buy ANOTHER car seat after yours has expired.
A car seat has an expiration date, just like foods, medicine, and other necessary items, even this type of thing has a longer ‘useful’ time.
So the car seat expiration date means that you need to dispose of it after it reaches that date.
Why Do Car Seats Expire?
The short answer to this question is SAFETY FIRST!
Actually, there is no government regulation in the United States that requires an expiration date on car seats. Rather, the local laws on child safety seats emphasize more on using the car seat by following the car seat manufacturers.
You might think it’s just about selling more of their products. It’s NOT this time!
Giving car seats an expiration date isn’t about money, it’s more about making sure your child’s car seat is SAFE to ride them in a motor vehicle.
There are five major reasons why car seats expire.
Changing Standards
As long as car travels are a leading cause of child injuries or even deaths, organizations and governments will be consistently looking for new ways to improve car seat safety, which is awesome to ensure the kids can ride safely.
For example, two important organizations and associations like the National Highway Traffic Standard Administration (NHTSA for short) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP for short) have provided a lot of great suggestions on riding a child safely.
Some states will follow their advice and update their local laws on child passenger restraint systems. Accordingly, it’s important to be aware of any regulatory changes that govern car seat safety standards.
Manufacturers stay up-to-date on all of the changing regulations and standards so that they can make car seats that comply with those changes. Expiration dates given by the manufacturers ensure that the car seat you’re using isn’t missing important updates.
It’s the first and most important rule to ride in a car seat that is compliant with the local laws and safety standards.
Improved Technology and Design
More than complying with the safety standards, car seat manufacturers periodically develop new technologies and update designs to improve the performance of their products.
An old car seat that’s purchased a few years ago might look like it’s in great condition and you know that it’s not going through any crashes. But it is unlikely to have recent lifesaving technologies in today’s safety standards, for instance, side-impact protection, energy-absorbing materials that redistribute crash force, and so on.
Besides, new models always feature the manufacturer’s latest techniques. For example, Graco launched its exclusive ProtectPlus for all-around protection in case of any crashes; Britax developed a ClickTight for an easier installation – which is considered very important to ensure a child’s safety in the car seat.
In addition to the improvements in technology, car seat manufacturers are making great design advancements to adhere to new and changing needs for both parents and the little passenger.
Great features like cup holders, legroom extensions, harness holders, machine-washable materials, slim fitting, and more, are all things you probably couldn’t find in an old car seat.
With an expiration date on a car seat, parents would be likely to use new, safe, reinvented, and technologically advanced car seats.
Wear and Tear
Just like other daily essentials, car seats were not made to last forever. As with many products you start to use, the quality of the car seat degrades over time as the car seat wear and tear.
For example, if you live in states that experience extreme temperatures with hot summers or cold winters, the plastic or reinforced steel frame in a car seat can become brittle.
due to the temperatures, spills, and more in common – the friction to put a child in and out and the vigorous kid’s sitting in the seat. On top of that, you also have to take into account that the foam materials used to pad the car seat aren’t meant to last that long over dozens of years.
That’s why the expiration date is important. Continuing to use a car seat past its expiration date can be hazardous and put your child at serious risk of injury in the event of a collision.
The lifespan of a car seat is typically six to ten years. This is the common case for all the car seats we reviewed.
It’s STRONGLY recommended to register your car seat as soon as you get it. One reason is that you’ll get customer service from the manufacturer, the other important reason is that you’ll be noticed in case that car seat might not be salvageable. Then the manufacturer will send you a recall and instruct you to discontinue use and destroy it.
Most manufacturers may replace the recalled car seat with a new one. You may not be able to replace the car seat right away, but the expiration date will at least show that you have a relatively up-to-date car seat.
You can wait for the manufacturer’s recall or call the manufacturer to confirm if the car seat you are using has been recalled. The NHTSA provides a list of every car seat recall from the past 10 years, you can check if your car seat is on the list or not.
In case your car seat has been involved in an accident, it’s not okay to continue to use it, because possible damages from the crash can render the car seat unsafe.
It may increase the budget on baby essentials if purchase another car seat by replacing that one used in a crash. But this is the safest way! Keeping your child safe in the car is always more important than the cost of a car seat.
When Do Car Seats Expire
Based on our research during the review process, most car seats have a lifespan between six and 10 years. That means they generally expire six or ten years after their manufacturing date.
The exact ‘useful’ time may vary a little bit based on brands, types, and/or models. For example, the Graco infant car seats typically last for 7 years from their manufacturer dates. The Doona infant car seat will expire after 6 years after its manufacture date.
So it’s better for you to check the expiration date label on your car seat. This expiration date label can be found at the back or on the side of the car seat. If you still can’t find it, the user manual always specifies the location anyway.
Infant Car Seat Expiration
Convertible Car Seat Expiration Date

Convertible car seats have an expiration between 7 and 10 years, depending on the makers. Here, we summarized the infant car seat expiration date into two categories for different brands.
7-year car seat expiration: Britax.
8-year car seat expiration: Chicco, Evenflo, Safety 1st.
10-year car seat expiration: Britax ClickTight, Graco.
All-in-one car seats are considered one type of convertible car seat because they can be converted from rear-facing to forward-facing. So we list their car seat expiration dates here.
They have the longest lifespan – up to 10 years. That’s a typical expiration for all-in-one car seats.
10-year car seat expiration:
Britax, Chicco, Evenflo, Safety 1st, Graco, Diono, and Maxi Cosi.
Booster Seat Expiration Date
Booster seats have an expiration between 6 and 10 years, depending on the types and the makers.
Harness-2-boosters are different from belt-positioning boosters (including high back and backless). They can be used as a 5-point harness forward-facing car seat for small toddlers. As a result, they typically have a longer usage time.
Here, we summarized the booster seat expiration date into two categories for different brands.
6-year car seat expiration: Britax booster.
7-year car seat expiration: Graco harness-2-booster and KidsEmbrace harness-2-booster.
8-year car seat expiration: Chicco MyFit harness-2-booster and Diono booster.
9-year car seat expiration: Britax harness-2-booster.
10-year car seat expiration: Britax booster, Cosco Finale Dx 2-In-1 Booster Car Seat, and Safe Traffic System Ride Safer Travel Vest.

How Do I Find the Car Seat Expiration Date?
You can’t tell if the car seat is expired or not by looking at it from the appearance conditions unless you can visibly spot broken or missing parts.
Luckily, each car seat is marked with its Date of Manufacturer (DOM) on one of your car seat’s labels. This is required by the government regulations for manufacturers before the car seat goes to the market.
So, the best way to find the car seat expiration date is to look for that small white sticker somewhere on the seat that contains information like the manufacturer date, serial number, model number, and, of course, the car seat expiration date.
How to Calculate the Car Seat Expiration with DOM and Lifespan?
Sometimes, the car seat expiration date is not specified on the sticker. Don’t worry, you can easily conclude this by doing a very simple calculation.
Date of Manufacturer + Lifespan = Car Seat Expiration Date
For example, Date of Manufacturer (2/15/2022) + Lifespan (commonly in the user manual, let’s say 10 years)) = Expiration Date of 2/15/2032.
The lifespan is also an important thing related to the car seat expiration date. It answers the question of how long are car seats good for, which is decided by the car seat types and materials. Infant car seats for babies and small infants commonly have a short lifespan between 6-7 years; toddler car seats for big kids last on average longer between 8-10 years.
So we also have the car seats listed by the lifespan from 6 to 10 years.
Where is Car Seat Expiration Date and Where to Find it?
To help you easily locate the expiration date, here are the tips to find the expiration date on a car seat of the major brands:
Where to find car seat expiration date for Britax
A white sticker should be located near the top of the seat alongside your child’s head, under the fabric padding. Some infant car seats with a label underside of the car seat or base.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Chicco
There should be a white sticker located on the back of the car seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Graco
There’s likely an expiration date imprinted into the plastic on the bottom of the seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Doona
There should be a white sticker located on the back of the car seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Doona
There should be a white sticker located on the back of the car seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for UPPAbaby MESA
There should be a white sticker located on the back of the car seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for KidsEmbrace
There should be a white sticker located on the back of the car seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Safety 1st
There’s likely an expiration date imprinted into the plastic on the bottom of the seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Maxi Cosi
There’s likely an expiration date imprinted into the plastic near the bottom of the seat.

Where to find car seat expiration date for Evenflo
There’s likely an expiration date imprinted into the plastic near the bottom of the seat.

How Long Are Car Seats Good for?
To answer this question, you need to know the concept of lifespan, which is mentioned in the above section of car seat expiration date calculation.
Most car seats last between six and 10 years. The lifespan (=useful life) of a car seat varies by manufacturer, car seat types, and materials.
Infant car seats have the shortest useful life, mostly between 6-7 years; toddler car seats or boosters last longer between 8-10 years.
Here’s a helpful guide to car seat lifespan for several different car seat brands:
Britax Car Seat Expiration
six years for infant car seats; nine years for booster seats; ten years for convertible & all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Britax
Car seats manufactured June 2010 or after
All the Britax car seats sold on the market should be in this time range, as of the 2022 year now. The longest 10-year car seat expiration date does not make it work for a Britax car seat that was manufactured before 2010.
Infant car seats expire 6 years after the date of manufacture.
Convertible car seats (excluding the Classic line) will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture.
ClickTight Convertible car seats expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
Harness-2-Booster seats will expire 9 years after the date of manufacture.
One4Life All-in-One seats will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
Car seats manufactured prior to June 2010:
The service life for Britax infant car seats (including the base), older infant/child car seats, youth seats, and belt-positioning booster seats before June 2010 is 6 years from the date of manufacture.
This post on when Britax car seats expire explains more details.
Chicco Car Seat Expiration
six years for infant car seats; eight years for convertible car seats & harness-2-booster seats; ten years for booster & all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Chicco
Infant Car Seat: A 6-year expiration from the date of manufacturer.
Convertible Car Seat: 8-year lifespan from the date of manufacture.
MyFit Harness + Booster: 8-year lifespan from the date of manufacture.
KidFit Belt-Position Booster Seat: 10-year lifespan from the date of manufacture.
All-in-one Car Seat: 10 years of lifespan from the date of manufacture.
Graco Car Seat Expiration
seven years for infant car seats & harness-2-booster seats; ten years for convertible, booster & all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Graco
Infant Car Seats: The seat will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture on the label and the date label can be found on the back of the seat.
Convertible Car Seats: The expiration date for convertible car seats is 10 years after the date of manufacture.
All-in-One Car Seats: These seats need to be tossed and their use is discontinued 10 years after the date of manufacture.
Harness Boosters: Discontinue use and toss this seat 10 years after the manufacture date.
The label of manufacture date can also be found on the back of the seat.
If you want to explore more about when all Graco car seats expire, check this post.
Advanced Tips
Graco boasted of the longest 10 years, which is generally seen for belt-positioning boosters and for steel-reinforced belt path car seats; the plastic-reinforced belt path car seats, like the Atlas 65 2-in-1 Harness Booster Seat, only last for 7-year useful life.
However, the Graco infant car seats, like the SnugLock SnugRide 35 also come with a 7-year lifespan, but this does not mean it features a plastic-reinforced belt path.
UPPAbaby Car Seat Expiration
seven years for infant car seats.
Car Seat Expiration UPPAbaby
Mesa Infant Seat: The car seat will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Doona Car Seat Expiration
six years for infant car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Doona
Doona Infant Seat and Stroller: The car seat will expire 6 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Car Seat Expiration KidsEmbrace
seven years for infant car seats.
Car Seat Expiration KidsEmbrace
KidsEmbrace Harness-2-Booster Seat: The car seat will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Evenflo Car Seat Expiration
six years for infant car seats; eight years for convertible car seats; ten years for all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Evenflo
Infant car seats: The seat will expire 6 years after the date of manufacture.
Convertible car seats: The seat will expire 8 years after the date of manufacture.
All-in-one car seats: The seat will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
This post – when Evenflo car seats expire, explains more.
Car Seat Expiration Diono
eight years for booster seats; ten years for all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Diono
Booster car seats: The seat will expire 8 years after the date of manufacture.
All-in-one car seats: The seat will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Check more on when the Diono car seats expire.
Maxi Cosi Car Seat Expiration
ten years for convertible & all-in-one car seats.
Car Seat Expiration Maxi Cosi
Convertible & all-in-one car seats: The seat will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Check the full list of when the Maxi Cosi car seats expire.
Safety 1st Car Seat Expiration
eight years for convertible car seats; ten years for all-in-one car seats.
Safety 1st Car Seat Expiration
Convertible car seats: The seat will expire 8 years after the date of manufacture.
All-in-one car seats: The seat will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
You can find that the expiration label of the manufacture date is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Check on details when Safety First car seats expire.
What Should I Do with an Expired Car Seat?
If you find yourself with an expired car seat in your hands, stop using it for riding your precious kids immediately. It’s unsafe!
The next step is to dispose of it because you may not want to spare the room to store all this baby stuff. The obvious solution that comes to your mind seems to be to throw it away in the trash. But it’s not a good idea.
Car seat experts suggest parents a permanent way to dispose of it – destroy the car seat before taking it to be recycled or chucking it in the trash.
You can follow these tips to do with an expired car seat: remove the cover, foam, padding, and fabric, cut the harness and straps, remove or recycle the metal/plastic parts, and place it in a black garbage bag.
If you don’t feel like dealing with disposing of the car seat by yourself, check if your communities have car seat recycling programs or not.
Or you can join Target car seat trade-in events to dispose of the expired car seat and get a discount to purchase a replacement car seat on Target.
Are Manufacturers Required To Give An Expiration Date?
No. The local car seat laws do not require an expiration date on car seats in the United States. Commonly, the government regulation will ask the drivers to follow the manufacturer’s introductions to use the car seat.
However, associations like the NHTSA do recommend expiration dates due to the possible changes in regulations over time.
The manufacturers decide the car seat expiration dates based on the expected useful life of their products. Most car seats expire after 6 to 10 years from the Date of Manufacturer, which can be found on a sticker on the car seat.
How to Extend Car Seat Useful Time Before Expiry Date
To maximize the useful time for a car seat, there is something you can do to it in a good condition following the manufacturer’s instructions.
For example:
- Follow the instructions in the car seat user manual to properly install the car seat. Improper installation compromises the safety of your baby during use and car seat life.
- Stick to the weight and size limit. This ensures optimal protection in case of a crash or emergency braking.
- Regularly inspect the seat to check for missing or lose parts. If there are any problems with the parts, contact the manufacturer or seller to replace them if it’s still within warranty.
- Keep the seat clean the seat by regularly removing spills and stains. This is a good way to prolong usefulness before the expiry date.
There is something we should pay attention to the expiry date before getting a car seat:
- Choose the right size for your kiddie. A seat that is too small or too large is not recommended. It might cause damage to the seat even before the expiry time.
- Purchase a seat that has not been in stores for long. Always buy car seats from a store that sells out the seat fast. Or ensures the return if the car seat is approaching its expiry date.
Could I Get in Trouble For Using An Expired Car Seat?
You’d probably NOT use an expired car seat.
There is no regulation prohibiting parents from using expired car seats. But many state car seat laws do require a parent to use the car seat per the manufacturer’s instructions.
You are obviously not following the manufacturer’s instructions to use the car seat if they have an expiration date and you are using the car seat beyond that date.
That would theoretically be illegal. But in all likelihood, a police officer isn’t going to remove your car seat to check the date of manufacture.
You should pay important attention to this expiration date before the car seat is going to expires. It’s NOT safe to use an expired car seat to ride your child.
Is It Safe To Use An Expired Seat?
Of course, NOT. Just like it’s better not to drink expired milk, expired car seats have potential risk or harm to your child, especially in case of any crash events.
The best practice is to purchase and replace it with a new car seat. Or if a parent simply cannot afford a new car seat, it’s better to find some budget options or cost-effective models with a long 10-year lifespan.
Does Booster Seat Expire?
Yes. Booster seats, no matter brand, have expiration dates as well as other car seat types.
Since boosters are designed for growing toddlers and big kids, they generally have a long useful life between eight to 10 years. That means, they last for 8-10 years before expiration.
Does Car Seat Base Expire?
Yes, just like the car seats, the bases also have expiration dates, between 6 to 10 years.
Do Car Seats Really Expire?
Yes. Car seats expire due to multiple reasons like changing standards, improved technologies, wear and tear, recalls, and damages.
Car Seat Expiration Date by Year
We have reviewed a few car seats for meeting your and your kid’s needs. So this list was made to let you know the car seat expiration dates for them.
6-Year Car Seat Expiration
- Doona Car Seat and Stroller Combo
- Chicco KeyFit 30
- WAYB Pico Travel Car Seat
7-Year Car Seat Expiration
10-Year Car Seat Expiration
FAQs on Car Seat Expiry Date
How do I know if my car seat is expired?
There is a small white sticker somewhere on the car seat – on the side or the back, that contains information like the manufacturer date, serial number, model number, and car seat expiration date.
Some may not have the car seat expiry date displayed on the white sticker but imprinted somewhere on the plastic shell.
If you can’t find the car seat expiration above two years, you can effortlessly calculate that with the lifespan and the manufacture date.
Is a car seat still good after the expiration date?
Not really. Expired car seats may not properly and safely protect the littles in the event of a crash.
That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend parents to use car seats that are past their use-by dates, or seats without expiration dates that are more than six or ten years from the date of manufacture.
Add Your Heading Text How long is a car seat good before it expires?
Six to ten years
The car seat expiration varies depending on the brands and types. But the majority of manufacturers set an expiration date between six to ten years.
Therefore, you shouldn’t use or buy a car seat that’s older than six years, or one past the date specified on your particular model.
Do car seats expire after 10 years?
Most manufacturers give their car seats expiration dates of 6 to 10 years after the manufacturer date, at which point a car seat could, at best, have the covers teared up or have outdated technology, and at worst, no longer meet the safety standards of the seats on the market.
Can I reuse the car seat for the second baby?
Can you reuse an old car seat?
You can save the money to buy another new car seat for a younger sibling if it isn’t expired, damaged, recalled, or missing any of its original parts. Before reusing the seat or giving it away, always be sure to: Check the expiration date.
Do strollers expire?
No, baby strollers do not expire.
What do you do with an expired car seat base?
Stop using that car seat first. Then you should dispose of it.
Then remove the car seat cover and any padding underneath it. Discard the fabric, foam padding, straps, and mixed metal-plastic pieces and small plastic pieces. Mark the plastic as expired or unsafe. Recycle the bulky plastic body and all-metal pieces.
Does Graco stroller have an expiration date?
Strollers do not have expiration dates; however, the car seat included in a travel system does expire
What do you do with expired car seats at Walmart?
If you have an expired car seat or even just an old car seat your child has outgrown, hang on to it so you can bring it to Walmart in time for their next car seat trade in!
What do I do with old car seats near me?
Recycle the useful parts and discard the useless materials.
You can call your local recycling center to see if they accept plastics from old car seats. If they do, follow these tips to dispose of the expired car seat: Locate your nearest recycling center: Ask your local recycling center whether they accept car seats and how they would like to receive them.
Do Graco booster seats expire?
Yes. Every Graco car seat has an expiration date. When the Graco car seats expire depends on the car seat types.
According to Graco, belt-positioning boosters have a useful life of 10 years for steel-reinforced belt path car seats and 7 years for plastic-reinforced belt path car seats.
As per our reviews on the most popular Graco models, the Tranzitions 3-in-1 and Atlas 2-in-1 harness boosters last only 7 years after they’re made; The Affix high back booster is good for 10 years of longevity.
How do I know when my Graco expires?
You can use it the same way – find a white sticker on the car seat. But Graco car seats’ expiration dates are not shown in that sticker, only manufacturer date.
If so, you should keep this rule for Graco car seats in mind -lifespan.
Graco infant car seats: 7 years.
Graco convertible (including the all-in-one) car seats: 10 years.
Graco booster seats: 10 years for steel-reinforced belt path car seats and 7 years for plastic-reinforced belt path car seats
Is Target doing car seat trade in 2022?
Yes, every year Target will do the car seat trade-in so that you can replace an expired car seat with a new one by reimbursing a few dollars.
The Target car seat trade-in 2022 will start Monday, April 18, 2022, through Saturday, April 30, 2022.
What type of car seat qualifies for a trade-in? Target will accept and recycle all types of car seats, including infant car seats, convertible car seats, car seat bases, harness or booster car seats, as well as car seats that are expired or damaged.
Is Walmart giving money for old car seats?
$30 Walmart gift card.
Customers can trade in used car seats at the Service desk in any participating Walmart store and receive a $30 Walmart gift card* that can be used in-store or online to buy items for their baby.
What do you do with expired car seats Canada?
If your child’s car seats or booster seats pass their expiry date, you should not use them any more.
Instead, you should dispose of the expired car seats by removing the car seat cover and any padding underneath it, destroying the fabric, foam, straps, frame, and shell. It’s better if you can write a large note marked as expired or unsafe.
“Do NOT give an expired car seat to friends or relatives, donate them to charities, or sell them second hand.” Transport Canada’s website states.
Can I return an opened car seat to Target?
Yes. Twice a year, you can bring an old, expired or damaged car seat to Target and recycle it to redeem a coupon on your Target app or for 20% off one car seat, one stroller or select baby gear.
Materials from the old car seats are recycled by Target’s partner, Waste Management.
Is it illegal to use expired car seats in Canada?
All car seats and booster seats sold in Canada have an expiry or useful life date.
Using an expired car seat or booster seat is against the law and puts your child at risk. If you can’t find the expiry date on your seat, you can find the “useful life date” specific to your seat in your instruction manual.
How long is a car seat good for in Canada?
When Do Car Seats Expire In Canada?
Generally, car seats and booster seats will expire after six to nine years (the longest 9 years is shorter than 10-year in the US), according to Transport Canada.
Always confirm with the manufacturer’s information. You should not use expired car seats because the safety standards have changed, and there are now safer products.